/ about me
/ roy
/ friends
/ calendar
/ pets
/ anger
/ favorites
/ site of the week
/ poems
/ guestbook
/ roy
/ friends
/ calendar
/ pets
/ anger
/ favorites
/ site of the week
/ poems
/ guestbook
//Apr 15, 2005
Okay, I know it's been a while since I've updated. I'm sorry. But I've got 5 (that's right FIVE) new websites under site of the week. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Anyway, I've been super busy lately, but send me more poems! [email protected]
Okay, I know it's been a while since I've updated. I'm sorry. But I've got 5 (that's right FIVE) new websites under site of the week. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Anyway, I've been super busy lately, but send me more poems! [email protected]
//Mar 28, 2005
New site of the week. Also I was thinking that I'm going to run out of poems eventually, so why don't we have a nice competition. Write poems about anything. They don't necesarily have to be dirty like the other ones, or funny of that matter. Whatever. Just write me more poems dammit! Send them to [email protected]
New site of the week. Also I was thinking that I'm going to run out of poems eventually, so why don't we have a nice competition. Write poems about anything. They don't necesarily have to be dirty like the other ones, or funny of that matter. Whatever. Just write me more poems dammit! Send them to [email protected]
//Mar 21, 2005
New poems. Super super bad. Really. Also site of the week.
New poems. Super super bad. Really. Also site of the week.
//Mar 13, 2005
Site of the week, friends section, roy's section, calendar (not really)
Site of the week, friends section, roy's section, calendar (not really)
//Mar 6, 2005
New site of the week, new angry rant, don't check the calendar section, cuz it's not updated. That's about all. I know, I know, I need to add more friends to the friends section, and make Roy's section cooler, it's a busy time right now, but I'll get it. :-)
New site of the week, new angry rant, don't check the calendar section, cuz it's not updated. That's about all. I know, I know, I need to add more friends to the friends section, and make Roy's section cooler, it's a busy time right now, but I'll get it. :-)
//Feb 21, 2005
Something new in the about section, and site of the week is new.
Something new in the about section, and site of the week is new.
//Feb 18, 2005
Friends section updated, Roy's section...
Friends section updated, Roy's section...
//Feb 14, 2005
New site of the week, wait, there's TWO!
New site of the week, wait, there's TWO!
//Feb 12, 2005
I updated the anger section and the poems section. More to come. Yay.
I updated the anger section and the poems section. More to come. Yay.
[01:31:05] Yay! Seems everything is up and running smoothly. Anyone have any ideas? email me
/ Sara
Wilkomen to my site. I'm so cool, don't deny it. I'll have some tight shite up here soon. But hold your horses.